Sunday, August 09, 2009

blowjobbing in the wind

weekend aku ikut cuzins gi bar/club apa tah dah lama nih tak gi tempat-tempat berasap yang buat mata aku berair nih dah nak dekat setahun kot. pastuh aku lek jelah dengan gaya rempit zip up sweater sling bag tapi hip hop from the waist down baggy jeans and timbaland ma nizzlah jalan riang ria masuk buat muka cool tapi nervous sebab aku takut authority specifically abang-abang bouncer rambot buleh buat meja kecik teringat zaman sekolah lambat masuk sekolah pengawas pandang slack kat pagar. tengah aku jalan lek lek brader bouncer nih kejar aku. mula-mula aku ingat dia nak mintak nombor so aku cam nak ingatkan lah balik nombor aku so that aku buleh bagi nombor yang bukan nombor aku manalah tahu aku tersilap bagi nombor random yang rupanya nombor aku although what are the chances of that tapi i'm not taking the risk.

tapi haha rupa-rupanya dia suh tunjuk ic. haha. aku lek jelah bukak wallet tunjuk lagi, pastuh cam tahun aku lahir tuh tersorok sikit dia suruh gak keluarkan ic kasi tunjuk clear. lepas dah tengok tahun adik lahir dia teros gerak mesti cam cuak sebab ye ah lek lek je assume aku muda remaja kan. aku bagitahu cuzin aku dia bengang, haha, tak tahu aku tengah senyum je lek je whaukhukgea bila lagi aku nak diberi lesen untuk perasan muda kecuali setiap masa.

when i (was) small (still is, actually) my favourite characters were always smart ones. examp like x-men, my fav was beast, ninja turtles my fav was donatello. i guess it's cause when i was a kid i thought being clever could get you pussy. i wasn't wrong though, when you were too young the smart boys were the ones getting all the womanishy attention primarily because they needed dudes for homework copying and to teach them shit and shit. plus i can't see myself attaining that kind of dedication towards education and you know how we always dream of being someone we can't be. at this age the jocks were too cool for women i guess so the nerds be hogging all the twat. i can't bare the look of all those fuckers with they thick ass glasses smiling and shit, and they pimples fucking glowing and shit but they still be surrounded by the ladies and shit. fucking disgusting. ergkh.

i just want cinta monyet right now sebab aku masih naive. aku tak tahu apa. baru lahir semalam. mmm. semalam hari ahad. aku entah ah. aku nih macam. daym.

tadi lepas eksersais aku duduk sorang sorang makan rembutan dekat depan supermarket. tengah lek lek mencucuk mencampak ke dalam mulut lalu mengunyah ternampak sesuatu kat cash register. wait, ramona rahman ke tuh? dezaym. mungkin ya mungkin tidak. tapi yang pasti tiba-tiba rambutan nih rasa best gila. manisnya cukup cukup manis tak terlalu tak terkurang, texture memang tak keras namun tak terlalu lembut juga. kulitnya tersisih dari isi dengan mudah bagaikan negligee silk tulen yang ditanggalkan dari seorang gadis bergetah licin. hidup itu indaadaadaadaadaaaaaaaaaaaa. lepas tuh dia lalu depan aku dengan muka cool while tolaking cart dia...

you know what i miss? reading those textual erotic stories, back in the days yo with minimal internet speed that shit was super entertainment. and if written well enough with an engaging storyline could have a greater effect than its more modern and more visual cousins pictures or videos. it could make me cum straight onto my own face whaukhukga. and i be all up in the toilet cleaning up awkwardly grinning at the mirror like what the fuck was that homie.

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